i love the knit on this dress and the color is just luxurious. (net-a-porter.com)
the oversized collar adds a touch of flair and drama. just a touch. (net-a-porter.com)
the oversized collar adds a touch of flair and drama. just a touch. (net-a-porter.com)
now here is something i could have used desperately over the past few days: a warm, coxy, subtley sexy sweater dress. these pieces are so apropo for this time of year when the sunny weather says late summer; but the chill in the air says early spring. i scoured the web, and found my favorite pick of the bunch, this diane von furstenberg piece. see below for details.
what: kody sweater dress by dian von furstenberg
where: www.net-a-porter.com
why: because sometimes a girl wants to be warm and sexy. (as oppossed to hot and sexy which is really a cliche term that has nothing to do with dressing or weather.) sweater dresses, especially this amazing one, help you strike the balance.
co$t: $415
co$t: $415
What a beautiful selection of sweater style womens dresses...