Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Halston opted for a presentation which was smart because rodarte is taking place at the same time so they can catch both crowds. The presentation took place on the 2nd floor of their soho studio and was exactly what I would expect: simple, chich and glam. Their designer put it best when she termed it "unfussy glamour."  To look at it, its beautiful, but I for one had a hard time visualizing it on a "real woman." Thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. cute and retro for any time a friend throws a Studio 54 theme party (Zandile can go as Diana Ross, I'll go as Naomi Sims!), but otherwise aint nobody stepping out in this.

    halston betta up their game or go home.


blaynistas: blog back! let me know what you think about fashion news, fashion gossip, or yourselves! can't wait to chat. xo,zb