Friday, September 04, 2009


Rumor has it Jourdan Dunn is not done with walking this season. But why?

USA - Having never been a strikingly beautiful, high-paid, and pregnant model - I am certainly not the one to pass judgement. But please do allow me to pass on the news: Jourdan Dunn, the 19 year old model who's catwalked her way from the runways of Milan to the pages of American Vogue has decided to model during the upcoming Spring 2010 shows, starting next week. What's the issue here? Well, that she's five months pregnant. New York Magazine's fashion blog, The Cut, reports that Dunn's is part of the line up of models auditioning to walk in shows this season. In fact, her "comp card," (essentially a business card for models) is making the rounds along with those of other models from her agency, Women. Dunn has yet to confirm that she is, but the possibility of her walking down the runway prompts mixed feelings to say the least. On one hand, kudos for the work ethic. On the other hand, what's that brilliant passage which reminds us "There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: A time work and a time to rest?" One would think pregnancy would certainly justify a time to rest, no? Not judging....just asking. [story and news via the cut/]


  1. Anonymous12:48 PM

    Jourdan is my favorite - since seeing her in the Tse show 2 years ago. PREGNANT?

  2. Anonymous11:02 PM

    i haven't seen other pregnant women quit their jobs or stop working when they're pregnant so why should she???? She's only 5 months, most women DO WORK at 5 months pregnant! Give the girl a break.


blaynistas: blog back! let me know what you think about fashion news, fashion gossip, or yourselves! can't wait to chat. xo,zb