Tuesday, September 15, 2009


Blaynistas, between you and me: I've always liked Malandrino, the woman. She's beautiful, cultured, chic and hard working. The clothes? Not so much! Something about them felt slightly off....over the last few seasons though I've been gaining a quiet appreciation which has blossomed into full on love with this season! I am at her SS10 presentation which is taking place at a huge gallery on West 23rd. The clothes are categorized in four different capsules, each more breathtaking and beautiful than the last. As a black girl I have to shout out her (higher than average) use of black models (I counted six, I usually see 3 max per show) and included sessilee, who I die over. Malandrino's besty Mary J. Blige, (I know, who woulda thunk it) as well as Estelle were all there. One of my fave presentations by far. Kudos.


  1. wow,happy that she used many blk models. I gotta say that I love her clothing and the price point is not bad. Now I won't feel guilty if a purchase a piece or two.

  2. Dark skinned blk chics may not get love in rap videos but you can certainly find them in high fashion.



blaynistas: blog back! let me know what you think about fashion news, fashion gossip, or yourselves! can't wait to chat. xo,zb