Friday, September 04, 2009

The Abakus jewelry designer gets her spotlight from W Magazine as a "Jewelry Designer To Know." 
blog_marsha_zipper.jpgwww - W Magazine recently interviewed Abakus jewelry designer Marsha Chun-Matsubara about her new collection, and she proves she's as one-of-kind as her jewelry.  Just take a look at the "Zipper Sushi Brain" necklace (left).  With this piece alone Chun-Matsubara not only shows off her dedication but prowess as a designer. She hand sewn through multi layers of coiled zipper while keeping the steel zipper steady with her teeth to make this elaborate necklace. Here is a glimpse of what else this half-Korean, half-Mongolian, Minnesota-raised designer have to say:
What's her new collection like?
My new collection is called "The Dark Side of Pale"--it's visually powerful but more conservative. You can wear it to a museum or the grocery store.
How did she get started?
My parents say that when I was four, I wore a small, heavy bike chain around my neck. Later, when I really wanted my ears pierced I stuck Chiquita Banana blog_marsha_rice.jpgstickers on my earlobes. When I was about seven, my mother was teaching me how to use an abacus. I was so frustrated that I threw it and all the beads scattered. From then on, I used the wooded beads to make necklaces. That's where I got the name for my line.
Who are her clients?
My private clients are mostly from the Upper East Side, Boca Raton and Palm Beach. My Uptown clients are not typical UESers--they're edgy and know how to tear up Park Avenue. I also consider Patricia Field and her team my clients since they've used my jewelry in Ugly Betty and the movie Confessions of a Shopaholic. They actually just borrowed some for the Sex and the City sequel. I also sent my work to Eric Damon for Gossip Girl, so we shall see...I love Chuck and Blair.
Chun-Matsubara is definitely in-demand, and it's no surprised TV shows and movies want to feature her jewelry. They are indeed their own stars. To read more about her visit[Story and images via wmagazine] blog_marsha_cuffs.jpg
Kristina Bustos

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