Thursday, September 24, 2009

With their Spring/Summer 2010 show packages that will have comic book geeks drooling.
                                                  [Covers for Women Paris (left) and WM Model Management (right)]
World Wide Web - We know that the modeling world has many amazing models so what a great way to show how cool these models are with comic book-inspired Spring/Summer 2010 show packages. And two Paris modeling agencies did just that. First up is Woman Paris where familiar names like Kasia Struss and Natasha Poly are included in its show package. The use of yellow strategically splattered on each page and red for the bold texts give the black and white images a very striking aesthetic as the models were shown in either head shots or full body shots. The WM Model Management show package, on the other hand, looked into Frank Miller's graphic novel Sin City for inspiration. The models, from Yula Merzlyakova to Luca Gajdus and Elena Svita to Galya Maslennikova, were shown as "super-heroines" in their portfolio pictures . Both show packages are wonderfully designed and so here's more for your eyes to feast on:
Woman Paris
WM Model Management
To see more from the two show packages go to for Women Paris and WM.
Kristina Bustos
[Story via Fashionologie]

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