Wednesday, September 09, 2009


WWW - In her never ending  quest to help us learn about ourselves through learning about her, Tyra Banks has debuted a new online magazine: Tyra: Inside & Out. Like your average womens' magazine, the new outlet will discuss beauty, fashion,  and relationships. Visitors of the site will be greeted with an "audio manifesto" (instead of the traditional editors letter) which commands them  "to dream big, ignore the haters, celebrate uniqueness and seek the beauty in everything." Unlike your average womens magazine, Tyra: Inside & Out will have one very unique element: Tyra, whose insides and outs will undoubtedly be featured every single day.  If her show, on which we've seen her undergo a sonogram to prove her breasts are real , dress up like a stripper and go "naked" in Central Park, is any indicator we are in for a series intense digital encounters with Tyra.  "It's not just a talks back to you," Banks said during her appearance on yesterdays episode of the "Today Show." "This is going to allow for a community of women. It's real and it's raw and it's going to allow for a connection to me like you've never had before."  Because that's exactly what you have been searching for all along.[story & image via]

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blaynistas: blog back! let me know what you think about fashion news, fashion gossip, or yourselves! can't wait to chat. xo,zb