Thursday, October 01, 2009

Interior designer Jonathan Adler is launching a Barbie home accessory line for adults.  
GROOVY: Now Barbie is for big girls, too, with accessories (above) such as cosmetic and sunglass cases and change purses designed by Jonathan Adler.
World Wide Web - Still mad your mama didn't buy that pink Barbie dollhouse you wanted for your eight birthday? Well, it's Jonathan Adler to the rescue. The interior designer first was tapped by Mattel to design a life-size Malibu beach house for Barbie's 50th anniversary, and he has now moved on to launching a 22-piece line of home furnishings that includes hot-pink throws, lamps, dinner plates and kitchen canisters. Adler says, "I am a rigorous, modernist designer, and it was an incredibly fun project -- to channel my own inner Barbie and release a pink, glam, kittenish collection." Now if you're thinking, "I might be too old for this now," Adler believes that there is "an inner Barbie lurking in most women" and this is your "chance to get in touch with and unleash it." So how about it, Blaynistas? Are you convinced to unleash your inner Barbie? [Story/Images via]
Kristina Bustos

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