Monday, October 12, 2009


Puffy Steps Out At B.E.T Awards with Dawn, formerly of Danity Kane, and some other girl I am not bothered enough to research.

Los Angeles - Oh Blaynistas! (First of all, Mama Blay has missed you like an inmate misses his girlfriend after ten years in the hole....but I digress...) I hate to sound like a broken record, but.....In the age of Rihanna and Lady Gaga (girls whove figured out that if your fashions eclipse your actual talent, you are good to go)you can't just be on the scene, you have to bring it! In other words, aint no half steppin. Tragically, that is exactly what Dawn and the other girl (to the left of Diddy) have done. From their coifs to their Chanel-esque (coz you know it aint the real thang) boucle jackets, to their "edgy" leather ones they look like pure copy cats of....Rihanna. Even if your inspiration came from elsewhere there are girls in clubs in Atlanta who are effecting RiRi's look more flawlessly than this duo. Their style, while it gets a B for effort, is lackluster and old. People are vaguely familiar with Dirty Money Crew and even less so with the music they are meant to be playing (house , I believe.) Fashion is the only thing - at this early stage in the game - that will excite interest in this project. So to Diddy, Dawn an the other girl: do better! (picture via rap-up)

1 comment:

  1. These people don't even deserve a mention. Honestly I thought the girl on the right was swaggerjacking (boring ass) Estelle at first glance. Either way, yawn. Un Blay-worthy.


blaynistas: blog back! let me know what you think about fashion news, fashion gossip, or yourselves! can't wait to chat. xo,zb