Thursday, October 08, 2009

Unfortunately it rained, causing the guests to get wet and the roof to leak.
Rain and a Leaky Roof Distract From John Galliano's Beautiful Spring 2010 Show
Paris - John Galliano's attendees were not pleased they had to wait for an hour in the pouring rain on Wednesday night. The designer's show was set to begin at 8:30 p.m. but according to Telegraph's Hilary Alexander, rehearsal started when guests began to arrive, causing them to wait outside the venue. One of the unhappy, drenched camper was French Vogue editor-in-chief Carine Roitfeld. "I wait all this time in the rain and you can't even give me a glass of water," she snapped at a PR. I understand why the irritation, but the last thing I like to read is one of my favorite person in the fashion industry taking out her frustration to the little people in the industry. I'm sure Galliano's PR team was already sweating at the unfortunate luck the show was having that night. They didn't need to feel that it was their fault it rained. But you do have to applaud Galliano. He made up for the one-hour long wait in the rain with his creatively stunning Spring 2010 show. His Sunset Boulevard-inspired collection was dream-like and beautiful. The red laser light and bubbles falling from the ceiling and popping into puffs of vapors added to the mysterious aesthetic of the show as the models marched down the runway wearing exquisite pieces that included "khaki jackets, beaded trenches, and skinny belted blazers." [Story/Images via The Cut]
Kristina Bustos

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