Monday, October 12, 2009

You're not sure what is a "pastelle"? It's none other than Kanye's fashion line.  
World Wide Web - And at this moment you're probably going, "Oh. Okay now I remember that Pastelle fashion line he announced years ago but never got around to doing anything with it." Well, Kanye's fashion line is finally here and previews of what to expect from Pastelle hit the Web on Sunday (Oct. 12). For those who follow Kanye's career, you know that Kanye has been plugging his clothing line since his debut album, The College Dropout, and he made initial announcement of Pastelle in 2005 with the plans to release the line the following spring. A Pastelle website was created and Kanye wore few pieces at several award shows and red carpets. Of course, that was all for Pastelle as no collection hit the market in 2006 as it was expected to happen, but Kanye continued to show his interest in fashion through the years...just not with his own clothing line it seemed. Putting Kanye's ego and antics aside, what do you think of the line, Blaynistas? [Story via MTV/ Images via Swaggerdap]
Kristina Bustos


  1. Anonymous6:57 AM

    I expected more from him. Yawn. It's boring. The amount of time it took him to 'research' and 'intern' and be a front row fixture at fashion shows I was expecting something a bit more cutting edge and out there. It's extremely safe

  2. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Adding to the first comment, it almost seemed rushed too. Not a lot of creativity and thought put into this for someone who loves fashion and wants to break into the fashion world.

  3. Anonymous2:17 PM

    the cut is saying it's been discontinued

  4. Anonymous7:01 PM

    i expected something different from him, these pics here look more urban and i think that market is already saturated!-Mic


blaynistas: blog back! let me know what you think about fashion news, fashion gossip, or yourselves! can't wait to chat. xo,zb