Monday, September 28, 2009

That is the question Selfridges seems to be asking with its latest men's offering of tights.
London - Mantyhose, you know the kind you often see worn by actors in Renaissance fairs, ballet dancers, and Superman, has gone mainstream. High end department store Selfridges is offering men's tights designed by lingerie brand Unconditional, and they come in black, beige, and charcoal. Selfridge's menswear director David Walker-Smith expects the trend to become a "true style statement" for men. "The 'mantyhose' are extremely versatile and we expect men to be wearing them not only as a way to give legs an extra boost of warmth on the chilliest nights, but as a true style statement," he says. Honestly, I think the success of "mantyhose" depends on the locations - for example Tokyo, Japan. The city is known for its unique street fashion and somehow Japanese males just seem, in the wise words of Tim Gunn, to "make it work" with this "mantyhose" business. When worn on the streets of New York or London, I think "mantyhose" loses the appeal that Japanese males seem to bring out with the trend. But you know what? If you're a male from New York, London or outside Japan and you want to wear tights under your shorts or trousers, then go on with yo' bad self. Who am I to stop you from being adventurous with your fashion? I am, however, curious to hear what Mr. Gunn have to say about this. [Story via The Cut
Kristina Bustos

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