www - so i spotted this on clutch magazine's stylistic blog and while they referenced this as taylor's "latest" photo shoot they didn't specify which book it's for. this leads me to believe the shoot was done and leaked expressly for bloggers which is savvy. now on to the pics...what do you think? this little teen clearly has a sickening body, a very great look, and is talented - not supremely so - yet talented nevertheless. so why did she/is she not catching on? especially with pharell williams and mtv's 'my super sweet sixteen' as the original battery behind her stardom. blaynista's explain. my personal theory is....work ethic. is that crazy? i think the secret to celebrity is a healthy combination of looks, talent, a natural star power, but above all a certain ethic and vision that propel's you. but alas....what do i know.....zandile blay