fashion + beauty + insider interviews + est 2006

Thursday, May 17, 2007


sure it's not a jacket, shoe, bag, or ring. but notebooks are just as important as any piece of clothing or accessory you will rock. how else are you supposed to write down your information for all your admiring fans? give that super cute hedge fund millionaire your number? or take notes on your next fashion fix? you get the importance and the point! read below for the rest of the deets.

stack of aspinal of london notebooks. i want the yellow one! (

what: leather bound notebooks by aspinal of london
where: or 888-325-3302 (u.s.) 0808-144-3302(u.k)
why: sumptious english bridle leather, exotic amazon crocodile leather, amalfi cotton and pulp mix paper and gold ink personalization? what's not to love!? this is writing at it's most luxurious.
co$t: between $18 to $80 for notebooks. add more for personalization and shipping and handling. it's way more than a mead notebook, but also way more worth it!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I bought a leather billfold wallet from Aspinal of London and it is the best wallet I have ever owned. Everyone loves the quality of the leather. And it has my initials! This is a must have!!

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