fashion + beauty + insider interviews + est 2006

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


florida - as i boarded the train to catch to plane to brazil, i gave one of my favorite girls , janelle grimmond a quick call to say good bye. that's when she shared the unthinkable with me: she was cooking...lasagna. i gagged. (in fact, i'm still gagging). as you know , lasagna is not to be trifled with by the amateur chef. it's a serious, authentic, italian cuisine requiring several layers, several ingredients and genuine poise and talent in the kitchen. i've seen janelle, who is a native of guyana, whip up a mean caribean meal. but an italian one? unless it was bought in the frozen aisle, i just couldn't imagine it. but they say seeing is believing so behold images of the lasagna she baked just hours after our convo. as janelle triumphantly wrote in the email accompanying the photos, "Don't try it on my time Zandile Blay. JG can cook whatever baby!!! IRON CHEF!! I rules the kitchen ya heard!!!!" okay miss thing. congrats! but i still would have loved undeniable proof, like a shot of you actually making this! zandile blay

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