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Tuesday, September 08, 2009


Atlanta - Excuse that ironic headline Blaynista, but in these tough times, one must get a laugh in where one can. While Kim Zolciak may not be the first person that comes to mind when you hear the term "Style Icon," she is usually dripping with diamonds, routinely buys $3000 luxury bags and has clothes custom made by a designer because she "doesn't like to dress like every one else in Atlanta." But  Zolciak, co-star of the Real Housewives of Atlanta has a passion for something other than fashion: music. Her latest single, "Don't be Tardy for the Party" has been making its rounds on the internet since debuting on the Ryan Seacrest show in mid-August of this year. The auto-tune heavy dance track is a catchy call to arms. Zolciak commands over the techno track "Hurry up baby don't be late/ I'll meet you at the place/ I've been waiting for this day, it's the weekend let's celebrate!"

She hurries back to her fashionista roots reminding you, "Looking like a cover girl/ Covered in diamonds and pearls/ Take the Benz out for a swirl/ Drop that top - Yeah it's my world."

Overall the song, which is produced by Real House Wives of Atlanta co-star and Grammy award winning producer Kandi Burrus,  is not half bad. More to the point, it's no better or worse than the average dance track. The chorus is repeated so incessantly that half way through you get the point loud and clear: don't be tardy for the party. By the end of the song, and after several cliched, autotuned lyrics you feel inspired to offer one of your own:  don't be tacky for the party.

Hear the song below and let me know what you think! [image via]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Not bad, LOL--

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